DB/MySQL (2) 썸네일형 리스트형 [Syntax] See Records with NULL In MySQL, NULL values excluded automatically while we querying data. So to see values with all NULL values, we have to add more condition to original query statement. SELECT name FROM customer WHERE referee_id 2 OR referee_id IS NULL; Source from : https://www.w3schools.com/mysql/mysql_null_values.asp https://www.w3schools.com/mysql/mysql_where.asp [Syntax] DELETE 1. What is DELETE Statement? DELETE is a Data Manipulation Language command, DML command and is used to remove tuples/records from a relation/table. 2. Syntax DELETE FROM table WHERE [conditions]; 3. Error : You can't specify target table When we use subquery in DELTE statement, there is error called : you can't specify target table. The reason why this error raised is because of feature of MySQ.. 이전 1 다음