본문 바로가기


[os] User Underlying Operating System

1. What is OS Module?

The OS module provides a portable way of using operating system dependent functionality.


2. Importing OS module

import os 

# check all attributes and methods 


3. Useful methods of OS module

# Get current working directory
print(os.getcwd(), '\n')

# Change working direcotry

# List directory : List all files and directory in current working directory
print(os.listdir(), '\n')

# Make new directory

# Remove directory

# Rename directory
os.rename('prev.txt', 'new.txt')

# Check stat of file
print(os.stat('03 Integers and Floats - Working with Numeric Data .ipynb'))
# We can extract more complicated data with dot attributes.


3.1 Extract made time of files

# Find made time of files : 
# Useful for check application that has a lot of files that have been updated or created recently 

import os 
from datetime import datetime 

mod_time = os.stat('file.txt').st_mtime


3.2 Yield directory path tree

# Yield directory path tree 
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('../'): 
    print(f"Current path: {dirpath}")
    print(f"Directories: {dirnames}")
    print(f"Files : {filenames}")




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