Data Science/R

[R] Non-Linear Support Vector Machine

See_the_forest 2022. 12. 6. 20:23

1. What is Non-Linear SVMs?

  • In practice, we can be faced with non-linear class boundaries.
  • We need to consider enlarging the feature space using functions of the predictors such as quadratic and cubic terms, in order to address this non-linearity.
  • In the case of the support vector classifier, we can also enlarge the feature space using quadratic, cubic, and even higher-order polynomial functions of the predictors.


1.1 Feature Expension

  • Enlarge the space of features by including transformations : \(X_1^2, X_1^3, ...\). 
  • For example, \(\beta_0 + \beta_1 X_1 + \beta_2 X_2 + \beta_3 X_1^2 + \beta_4 X_2^2 + \beta_5 X_1 X_2 = 0\), This leads to non-linear decision boundaries in the original space.
  • The support vector classifier in the enlarged space solves the problem in the lower-dimensional space.


1.2 Computational Issues for High-dimensional Polynomials

  • However, high-dimensional polynomials get wild rather fast.
  • There are many possible ways to enlarge the feature space, but computations would become unmanageable for a huge number of features.
  • There is a more elegant and controlled way to introduce nonlinearities in support vector classifiers, using kernels.


1.3 Kernels and Support Vector Machines

  • The linear support vector classifier can be represented as : \(f(x) = \beta_0 + \sum_{i \in S} \hat{\alpha}_i K(x, x_i)\).
  • \(S\) is the support set of indicies \(i\) such that \(\alpha_i > 0\).
  • Parameters : 
        - \(\alpha_1, ..., \alpha_n\)
        - \(\beta_0\)
        - \((n, 2)\) inner products
  • A generalization of the inner product of the form \(K(x_i, x_{i'})\) is called a kernel.
  • kernel is a function that quantifies the similarity of two observations. 


1.4 Examples of Kernels

  • Standard linear kernel : \(K(x_i, x_{i'}) = \sum_{j=1}^p x_{ij}x_{i'j}\)
  • Polynomial kenrel of degree \(d > 1\) : \(K(x_i, x_{i'}) = (1 + \sum_{j=1}^p x_{ij}x_{i'j})^d\)
    • We need to tune parameter d
  •  Radial kernel : \(K(x_i, x_{i'}) = exp(-\gamma \sum_{j=1}^p(x_{ij} - x_{i'j})^2)\)



2. Non-Linear Support Vector Classifier

2.1 [Ex] Non-linear SVMs with radial kernel

# Simulate non-linear data set
x <- matrix(rnorm(200*2), ncol=2)
x[1:100, ] <- x[1:100, ] + 2
x[101:150, ] <- x[101:150, ] - 2
y <- c(rep(-1, 150), rep(1, 50))
dat <- data.frame(x, y=as.factor(y))
plot(x, col=y+3, pch=19)

# Training svm model with radial kernel with r=0.5, C=0.1
fit <- svm(y~.,data=dat, kernel="radial", gamma=0.5, cost=0.1)
plot(fit, dat)

# Training svm model with radial kernel with r=0.5, C=5
fit <- svm(y~.,data=dat, kernel="radial", gamma=0.5, cost=5)
plot(fit, dat)

# Visualize of test grid for radial kernel with r=0.5, C=1
fit <- svm(y~.,data=dat, kernel="radial", gamma=0.5, cost=1)
px1 <- seq(round(min(x[,1]),1), round(max(x[,1]),1), 0.1)
px2 <- seq(round(min(x[,2]),1), round(max(x[,2]),1), 0.1)
xgrid <- expand.grid(X1=px1, X2=px2)
ygrid <- as.numeric(predict(fit, xgrid))
ygrid[ygrid==1] <- -1
ygrid[ygrid==2] <- 1
plot(xgrid, col=ygrid+3, pch = 20, cex = .2)
points(x, col = y+3, pch = 19)
pred <- predict(fit, xgrid, decision.values=TRUE)
func <- attributes(pred)$decision
contour(px1, px2, matrix(func, length(px1), length(px2)),
level=0, col="purple", lwd=2, lty=2, add=TRUE)



2.2 [Ex] Optimizing non-linear SVMs(radial kernel) using validation set

# Calculate missclassification error of validation set 
# Separate training and test sets 
tran <- sample(200, 100)
test <- setdiff(1:200, tran)

# Training with hyperparameter tuning of gamma, C
gamma <- c(0.5, 1, 5, 10)
cost <- c(0.01, 1, 10, 100)
for (i in 1:length(gamma)) {
  for (j in 1:length(cost)) {
    svmfit <- svm(y~., data=dat[tran, ], kernel="radial",
                  gamma=gamma[i] , cost=cost[j])
    pred <- predict(svmfit, dat[test, ])
    R0 <- c(gamma[i], cost[j], mean(pred!=dat[test, "y"]))
    R <- rbind(R, R0)

# Check results 
colnames(R) <- c("gamma", "cost", "error")
rownames(R) <- seq(dim(R)[1])

# Training with hyperparameter tuning of gamma, C using tune function 
tune.out <- tune(svm, y~., data=dat[tran, ], kernel="radial",
                 ranges=list(gamma=gamma, cost=cost))

# Calculate missclassification error rate of test sets
pred <- predict(tune.out$best.model, dat[test,])
table(pred=pred, true=dat[test, "y"])
mean(pred!=dat[test, "y"])


  • best parameters : gamma(0.5), cost(1)
  • Missclassification error rate : 0.09


2.3 [Ex] Optimizing non-linear SVMs(polynomials) using validation set

degree <- c(1, 2, 3, 4)

for (i in 1:length(degree)) {
  for (j in 1:length(cost)) {
    svmfit <- svm(y~., data=dat[tran, ], kernel="polynomial",
                  degree=degree[i] , cost=cost[j])
    pred <- predict(svmfit, dat[test, ])
    R0 <- c(degree[i], cost[j], mean(pred!=dat[test, "y"]))
    R <- rbind(R, R0)
colnames(R) <- c("degree", "cost", "error")
rownames(R) <- seq(dim(R)[1])

tune.out <- tune(svm, y~., data=dat[tran, ], kernel="polynomial",
                 ranges=list(degree=degree, cost=cost))

pred <- predict(tune.out$best.model, dat[test,])
table(pred=pred, true=dat[test, "y"])
mean(pred!=dat[test, "y"])


  • best parameters : degree(2), cost(10)
  • Missclassification error rate : 0.16


2.4 [Ex] Optimizing non-linear SVMs(sigmoid) using validation set

for (i in 1:length(gamma)) {
  for (j in 1:length(cost)) {
    svmfit <- svm(y~., data=dat[tran, ], kernel="sigmoid",
                  gamma=gamma[i] , cost=cost[j])
    pred <- predict(svmfit, dat[test, ])
    R0 <- c(gamma[i], cost[j], mean(pred!=dat[test, "y"]))
    R <- rbind(R, R0)

colnames(R) <- c("gamma", "cost", "error")
rownames(R) <- seq(dim(R)[1])

tune.out <- tune(svm, y~., data=dat[tran, ], kernel="sigmoid",
                        ranges=list(gamma=gamma, cost=cost))

pred <- predict(tune.out$best.model, dat[test,])
table(pred=pred, true=dat[test, "y"])
mean(pred!=dat[test, "y"])


  • best parameters : gamma(0.5), cost(0.01)
  • Missclassification error rate : 0.29


2.5 [Ex] Simulation study using different kernels of 20 replications

# Set reps and RES matrix 
N <- 20
RES <- matrix(0, N, 3)
colnames(RES) <- c("radial", "poly", "sigmoid")

# Training model with calculate missclassification error rate 
for (i in 1:N) {
  tran <- sample(200, 100)
  test <- setdiff(1:200, tran)
  tune1 <- tune(svm, y~., data=dat[tran, ], kernel="radial",
                ranges=list(gamma=gamma, cost=cost))
  pred1 <- predict(tune1$best.model, dat[test,])
  RES[i, 1] <- mean(pred1!=dat[test, "y"])
  tune2 <- tune(svm, y~., data=dat[tran, ], kernel="polynomial",
                ranges=list(degree=degree, cost=cost))
  pred2 <- predict(tune2$best.model, dat[test,])
  RES[i, 2] <- mean(pred2!=dat[test, "y"])
  tune3 <- tune(svm, y~., data=dat[tran, ], kernel="sigmoid",
                ranges=list(gamma=gamma, cost=cost))
  pred3 <- predict(tune3$best.model, dat[test,])
  RES[i, 3] <- mean(pred3!=dat[test, "y"])
# Check statistical reports 
apply(RES, 2, summary)


Statistics radial poly sigmoid
Min 0.07 0.14 0.17
1st 0.1 0.1675 0.2375
Median 0.12 0.1950 0.26
Mean 0.123 0.209 0.2705
3rd 0.1425 0.235 0.29
Max 0.18 0.31 0.43


3. Non-linear Support Vector Classifier on Heart dataset

Step 1 : Prepare Heart Dataset

# Prepare Heart dataset <- ""
Heart <- read.csv(, h=T)
Heart <- Heart[, colnames(Heart)!="X"]
Heart[,"Sex"] <- factor(Heart[,"Sex"], 0:1, c("female", "male"))
Heart[,"Fbs"] <- factor(Heart[,"Fbs"], 0:1, c("false", "true"))
Heart[,"ExAng"] <- factor(Heart[,"ExAng"], 0:1, c("no", "yes"))
Heart[,"ChestPain"] <- as.factor(Heart[,"ChestPain"])
Heart[,"Thal"] <- as.factor(Heart[,"Thal"])
Heart[,"AHD"] <- as.factor(Heart[,"AHD"])
Heart <- na.omit(Heart)


Step 2 : Separate training and test sets

# Separate training and test sets 
train <- sample(1:nrow(Heart), nrow(Heart)/2)
test <- setdiff(1:nrow(Heart), train)


Step 3 : Training using SVMs

# SVM with a linear kernel
tune.out <- tune(svm, AHD~., data=Heart[train, ],
                 kernel="linear", ranges=list(
                   cost=c(0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 5, 10, 100)))
heart.pred <- predict(tune.out$best.model, Heart[test,])
table(heart.pred, Heart$AHD[test])

# SVM with a radial kernel
tune.out <- tune(svm, AHD~., data=Heart[train, ],
                 kernel="radial", ranges=list(
                   cost=c(0.1,1,10,100), gamma=c(0.5,1,2,3)))
heart.pred <- predict(tune.out$best.model, Heart[test,])
table(heart.pred, Heart$AHD[test])

# SVM with a polynomial kernel
tune.out <- tune(svm, AHD~.,data=Heart[train, ],
                 kernel="polynomial", ranges=list(
                   cost=c(0.1,1,10,100), degree=c(1,2,3)))
heart.pred <- predict(tune.out$best.model, Heart[test,])
table(heart.pred, Heart$AHD[test])

# SVM with a sigmoid kernel
tune.out <- tune(svm, AHD~.,data=Heart[train, ],
                 kernel="sigmoid", ranges=list(
                   cost=c(0.1,1,10,100), gamma=c(0.5,1,2,3)))
heart.pred <- predict(tune.out$best.model, Heart[test,])
table(heart.pred, Heart$AHD[test])


kernels Missclassification error rate
linear 0.2214765
radial 0.2080537
polynomials 0.2080537
sigmoid 0.2147651


Step 4 : Simulation study using different kernels of 20 replications

N <- 20
Err <- matrix(0, N, 5)

for (i in 1:N) {
  train <- sample(1:nrow(Heart), floor(nrow(Heart)*2/3))
  test <- setdiff(1:nrow(Heart), train)
  g1 <- randomForest(x=Heart[train,-14], y=Heart[train,14],
                     xtest=Heart[test,-14], ytest=Heart[test,14], mtry=4)
  Err[i,1] <- g1$test$err.rate[500,1]
  g2 <- tune(svm, AHD~., data=Heart[train, ], kernel="linear",
             ranges=list(cost=c(0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 5, 10, 100)))
  p2 <- predict(g2$best.model, Heart[test,])
  Err[i,2] <- mean(p2!=Heart$AHD[test])
  g3 <- tune(svm, AHD~., data=Heart[train, ], kernel="radial",
             ranges=list(cost=c(0.1,1,10,100), gamma=c(0.5,1,2,3)))
  p3 <- predict(g3$best.model, Heart[test,])
  Err[i,3] <- mean(p3!=Heart$AHD[test])

  g4 <- tune(svm, AHD~.,data=Heart[train, ],kernel="polynomial",
             ranges=list(cost=c(0.1,1,10,100), degree=c(1,2,3)))
  p4 <- predict(g4$best.model, Heart[test,])
  Err[i,4] <- mean(p4!=Heart$AHD[test])
  g5 <- tune(svm, AHD~.,data=Heart[train, ],kernel="sigmoid",
             ranges=list(cost=c(0.1,1,10,100), gamma=c(0.5,1,2,3)))
  p5 <- predict(g5$best.model, Heart[test,])
  Err[i,5] <- mean(p5!=Heart$AHD[test])

# Visualize results 
labels <- c("RF","SVM.linear","SVM.radial","SVM.poly","SVM.sig")
boxplot(Err, boxwex=0.5, main="Random Forest and SVM", col=2:6,
        names=labels, ylab="Classification Error Rates",
colnames(Err) <- labels
apply(Err, 2, summary)